Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Martinez Learning From Solano Economic Development

Martinez Is Learning From Solano Economic Development Programs

Next door to Solano County, Martinez mayor Rob Schroder appointed former Martinez planning commissioner AnaMarie Avila Farias for Martinez's redevelopment task force. Martinez group's responsibilities are being brainstormed.

Solano County can learn from how things unfold in Martinez. Hopefully Martinez will also learn about what types of redevelopment works in Solano County as well. 

More on Solano Economic Development at SolanoBusinessNews.com and FixFairfield.Org

Monday, December 6, 2010

Great Green Business Ideas


Rural Aspect To Solano County's Economic Development

One of the best Solano economic development strategies is coaching. Here is what's happening in rural communities.  As much of Solano County is rural, there are lessons here to be learned.  There are many ways one can improve the extensive raw land throughout Solano County.


Social Media Strategies For Economic Development

Interesting article for using social media in Solano County's economic development.

Great Solano economic development tools for Benicia, Dixon, Fairfield, Rio Vista, Suisun, Vacaville and Vallejo.


Solano Economic Development Chock Up To Past Mistakes

How Solano Economic Development Can Chock Up To Their Past Mistakes

Here's a useful article for them to manage the damage and move forward. Just be honest and move forward.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Solano County demographics for Benicia, Dixon, Fairfield, Rio Vista, Suisun City, Vacaville and Vallejo

Learn more about Solano County demographics for Benicia, Dixon, Fairfield, Rio Vista, Suisun City, Vacaville and Vallejo. Get census, age, household information and race for Solano County's seven cities.


Green Energy Act Failure - Will Solano County Learn From Other's Mistakes?

While there's no denying that global warming must be tackled in Solano County, are we going to learn to avoid the mistakes made when Solano politicians get into the green business? Solano EDC is only one example.


Solano Politicos Noting Myths About Green Technology

How much green washing hype are Solano County politicians pushing onto their voters?

Here is a sobering article on http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/04/23/AR2010042302220.html. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/04/23/AR2010042302220.html

Should Solano Government Intervene With Green Technology, Or Let The Market Do It's Thing?

Should Solano Government Intervene With Green Technology, Or Let The Market Do It's Thing?  Solano politicians can mess things up.

There are many positive and negative effects when Solano EDC (Solano Economic Development) and other Solano County city councils from Benicia, Dixon, Fairfield, Rio Vista, Suisun, Vacaville and Vallejo get into the green energy business.  The main negative is Solano government picks their friends when giving out funds, free help and contracts.  The positives are that green technology needs more help.

Here is an article on the other negative aspects from Solano politicians fighting private Solano green companies, to push the politico's friend's interests:

SED Corp Helping Its Friends Into Green Energy

How political is Solano Economic Development Corp (SED Corp) these days? It's said they are very political and don't like people to question their motives.

Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) supports the California Air Resource Board’s decision to require 33% of the power from California utilities come from renewable sources by 2020.

California solar power history that bold leaders start the seeds for green jobs and economic growth.

Unfortunately government tied green organizations like the Air Resources Board are not controlled by the voters. Solano Economic Development Corp (SED Corp), and Air Resources Board are just examples.  Air Resources Board has its members appointed by the governor.  For profit Solano green energy companies are not happy, but SED Corp and their Solano City Council supporters were not indirectly supported by these Solano green energy companies.

Invention Springboard has plenty of solutions available.  It's tied with Solano County's Innovation Institute, LLC which filed the largest green technology patent applications in 80 countries.  But Solano Economic Development Corp instead helps new comers to Solano County into Solano green energy.

SED Corp has good aspects as well.  Learn more about them at http://www.solanoedc.org.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Vallejo Bay Area Bee Company Helping Solano Agriculture

The Vallejo based Bay Area Bee Company has scattered beekeeping versus large Solano commercial bee hives.  Bay Area Bee Company's Solano County bee population is kept healthy and active when Solano bee populations generally are dwindling, 

Solano honey brands include Fairfield Pumpkin Blossom, Vallejo Breakers, Vallejo After Dark, Benicia Waterfront, plus San Francisco Potrero Hill.

Lacking the needed healthy Solano County bee population, puts Solano County agriculture at serious risk. 

More at www.timesheraldonline.com