Monday, February 20, 2012

Innovation Institute: Adaptive Guide Doesn't Offer Too Much Or Too Littl...

Solano County has cheaper living costs than over priced San Francisco. Yet Solano's proximity makes it a viable place to develop technology.

A Solano tech firm has invented a broadly applicable technology that makes software more adaptable. Free US patent rights are available to a Solano manufacturer that can help develop this adaptive technology called Adaptive Guide TM.

Innovation Institute: Adaptive Guide Doesn't Offer Too Much Or Too Littl...: Hate It When You Get Stuck? Innovation Institute's Adaptive Guide Tries To Provide Just The Level Of Interactive Help Users Want. An over...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Can Obama Create Jobs Without Using Tax Dollars? Steven Kays Claims He Can Do This If Elected California Senator.

Might President Obama One Day Help Create Solano Jobs Without Using US Tax Dollars? Candidate Steven C. Kays Claims He Create Local Jobs If Elected California Senator.

See the Kays Job Creation Plan at

Compare the Kays Plan with the White House's Offer: