Thursday, June 21, 2012

Will Fairfield City Mayor Submit Paid Plans To Solano Transport Authority?

Harry Price Mayor Promised To Fix Main Gateway To Downtown
How Many Years Will City Wait For Price To Send Tax Payer Paid
Plans To STA?

The STA is waiting for Harry Price to send the completed plans.  Perhaps the plans and funds got lost in the wood work.

Solano Transportation Authority met today on improving the Solano Transportation Center. Seems funds were put into starting new projects versus fixing what needs repairing in central Fairfield.

The STA Pedestrian Advisory Committee appears not to have received requests for Fairfield’s West Texas St Gateway improvement.  The STA needs this before acting. Seems none of the members recalls ever getting the plans to redevelop West Texas Street.  Government and private funders both with available money have not gotten needed info from Price.

The Negative Effect For Waiting? Pushing Fairfield’s Poor Out Of Richer Areas & Into Poorer Regions:
• Little foot traffic to the new bus station off West Texas Street but is the mayor pushing for sidewalks going under higher I-80 and nearby anyway?  Is this a good use of money?
• STA says facilities for those without cars are needed when the lack of data supporting the need was glossed over. Why is Price pushing pedestrian traffic there unless he plans to knock down buildings to build housing for the poor?
• The region might create more tax revenue by supporting businesses along West Texas Street. Increased taxes could be used to place low income housing near Harry Price's house off Oliver Road, though that would never happen.
• The ethical STA board is stuck because they can't move without Price's documents.  Blaming STA of bad behavior or unfair practices would not be fair as their hands are tied by mayor Harry Price and others.

These links were mentioned at the meeting but those Fix Fairfield wanted to check out the info were not seen writing down the web site names.

Inquiries to STA about the West Texas Street promise were directed to other Solano and Fairfield organizations. But Fix Fairfield said those inquiries were made since 1999. A West Texas Street property owner said that requested information has been denied year after year. No clear response was made by those controlling the STA board.  Fix Fairfield is proud of the STA members who expressed strong interest in bringing fairness back to the fair city of Fairfield.

Solano Transportation Authority members include:
Michael Hudson
Larry Mork
Bil Paul (not spelled “Bill Paul”)
Alan Deal
Lynn Williams
Robert Guerrero
Maureen Gaffney
Brian Travis
Frank Morris
Thomas Kiernan
Joel Brick
Steven Kays the founder of has asked to join or at least be notified of all important events relating the Harry Price's West Texas Street gateway promise.

Other interested parties at STA include: Nick Lozano, Mayor Pete Sanchez and his proactive Suisun City council member Jane Day, Alex Westhoff, Edd Alberto, Fairfield Suisun Chamberof Commerce, mayor Harry Price, Solano Supervisor Jim Spering, James Loomis, and more.

Fairfield urban redevelopment is needed. Controversy usually results either from the use of possible Fairfield eminent domain, or changing the density and intensity of wealthy residents in central Fairfield. Fairfield planning department and affiliated government organizations are accused of using subtle means to displace poor and lower middle class populations from wealthier to central Fairfield.
Gossip says Fairfield planning department and affiliated government organizations might benefit financially if they were to try to drive down property values in central Fairfield. Fairfield's business residents that may be displaced by redevelopment are probably going to be under compensated or so it is rumored on sites like Solano Business News. Fairfield planning department and affiliated government organizations are known for trying to pick up commercial Fairfield properties at prices below their fair Fairfield market value.

With all the intrigue, the STA room’s mood on West Texas Street improvement felt like the Solano old boy network was clearly more interested in projects that would fund big developers.  FixFaifield was lucky to be given a chance to visit but write ups like this may result in their being denied access to other Fairfield gateway and central business district job creating meetings in future.

There is much more to say on this and related matters.  Book mark this blog.