Sunday, October 30, 2011

Solano Economic Development Blog Not Tax Funded

Solano Economic Development blog is not operated by Solano tax funds, the old boy network or any local economic development organization.  Let's bring fairness back to Solano E.D.

We hope to be more fair than gov funded Solano Economic Development orgs.  Please ask them to send us the business resources and lists we may post here for everyone freely.  Good luck as other's have not succeeded for over a decade.

Meanwhile turn to: SolanoBusinessNews.Com and our local newspapers and your city's economic development office (if they are still open due to Jerry Brown's frustration with unfair politics in how CA state funds may have been diverted in unfair ways.)

Ethics & Disclaimers In Covering Shady Fairfield Politics:
• No Warranties. Expect errors in these brainstorming notes
• Brainstorming is to solicit constructive ideas by uncovering hidden problems. Lack of open government makes absolute evidence impossible or difficult at best.
• Paste in your web browser:

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